13 October 2010

eating in...what i ate when i was poorly

I made myself eat lovely food when I was poorly at the weekend, even though I didn't really fancy it...

...soft boiled eggs and soldiers

...eastern potatoes with spinach and poached egg

...pea and pancetta risotto

...and some cherry bakewells from the evil supermarket up the road that's in walking distance.  I was obviously thrilled that one had two cherries but just look at the state of the others.  I sent a funny email to the evil supermarket in question suggesting they do a bit of quality control at their cherry bakewell factory so I hope to get a voucher for even more cherry bakewells!  Who knows?!


  1. I was ill on the weekend as well although I didn't eat quite the nice things you did!

  2. Sorry to hear you were ill too, never a good thing. I can't quite believe I managed to rustle up some lovely meals either! I think I needed photo evidence to convince myself too.

    Stephanie x

    PS thanks for leaving my very first comment!


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