24 June 2011

eating in...beans plus some very lovely gifts

last week my friend C came round for our usual beans but this time we splashed out on eggy bread rather than just toast, and very nice it was too. i don't know why we tend to only eat beans when we go round to each others' houses for tea but we do and we like it.

anyway, the most exciting bit about the evening outside of catching up with C on system thinking, big society, work, showing off my vintage finds from my last trip to america (another outstanding post) and a tour around the garden, was that C brought me some delightful gifts that she'd picked up while rummaging around in charity shops and flea markets (i'm guessing). she gave me a lovely pink slip, a small leather purse/bag with a strap (it also has a loop on the back so would work on a belt too, if you were that way inclined), a small fabric bag with touchy-feely green velvet lining and a lipstick (a new one!).

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